Thursday, 10 July 2014

The Leap from School to College

In the past few days I realized writing a blog is all about inspiration and time. Well let’s just say I lacked a bit of both, but now I am up and back again. In the past few days I discovered quite a few freshmen (including myself), looking forward to college confused about how to spend their free summers. I set out to collect data from internet, but guess what? Nothing was appropriate enough for an Indian Student. Then with help from my perfect elder sister I pooled my own little list of things to do before staring college. So here it goes –

Pursue a Hobby

In India the nature of competition is so high that we can barely keep up with academics, let alone recreational activities. Go grab that guitar you always wanted to play or hit that goal for the first time just take up a euphoric hobby.

Party Hard

Remember all those times you had to say no to a party because of a submission next morning, Well it’s time to come back!

Know Your City

Go out just roam about your favorite haunts, take the turn you never took, walk down an unknown road it’s not as if you got to be somewhere on time.

Eat & Dine

Stack up your stomach with as much food as it can store, don’t worry about being fat you would lose all of that in years to come. That high-end restaurant, that favorite street food vendor you are going to miss it all.

Make Peace

In India fights with family, cousins and best of friends is a necessity, make sure all the grudges are settled before you step into future.


Make up for all that time spent staring at books and losing touch with your dear ones. Build a network, this skill will help all the way till end.

Hold Your Ground

We Indians are obedient, at least in our school life but now start making your choices and learn to live with them because when you are out not even your parents will be available all the time to take you through.


It is important. It can be for 1 day or a week but a trip with your school buds is a must. Life may not give you a chance to sit with all of them together again.


We can be a bit messy sometimes. So check everything you need in college again. And don’t forget to prepare a resume (comes in handy).


We Indians are shy with opposite gender. Make sure you and your crush get to know each other if not confessing your feelings.


Don’t be too tensed every student has been down this road. At this point of time you just need to create memories and stories that you can cherish till your last breath.

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Woes of a Student

Today was a day filled with laziness, even though it was a Monday, I had a million things to take care of, I was so driven with sleep that when I was finally up and ready sun was already running down. I grabbed my keys and I was on my way out to catch my friends before the sun rests. Half through the parking my mother called and said that a cousin is visiting us you need to stay. I usually don’t like them very much but this particular brother was an IITian pursuing Mechanical Engineering and also a great friend of my sister, well how could I disappoint her. Within the hour he came by after the usual Indian round of greetings and welcomes we sat and started the round of gossiping we came by the topic of education(so predictable!). We discussed about his time of counseling, counseling this time and the huge world opportunities. So I thought let’s make life of a student simpler.

Deciding What to Choose?

A very common answer to this is Play to Your Strength or Follow your heart! I advise you to read in brief about each and every branch of your particular stream. Everything means everything all subjects, future scopes, growth rate don’t think just read everything you can lay your hand on. Now choose a stream you think you like or you intend to take and imagine your life 5 years after graduation based on the information and interviews you read. If true to yourself you will find a scenario that suits you perfectly!

Which College?

With so many privates and government colleges it’s hard to make a decision these days. Talking about a moderate college what it must have is a self examination system i.e. it should conduct exams on its own and also the checking should be done within the college/university. A college lacking this feature drags on like an eternity and you spend half your life waiting for announcements (Speaking with Personal experience).

During College Counseling

Every college today tries to rope you in a lower class course showing off a lot advantages but don’t be hoodwinked wait till the last round before being many a times hope and luck works out. Also don’t forget all your original documents remain with you until the day of commencement of classes, if change of heart. colleges are entitled to full payback of fees before 10 day of commencement.

This is a crucial stage of our life, I went through the same two times so I know how this exactly feels to an average teenager fresh out of school(Not some hot shot aspirant bragging about his college), A good college is necessary but IIT’s aren’t the only one amongst them. You can always have masters of some kind. So don’t be afraid if things go wrong because this isn’t the end of life it is a new beginning of a better one!
Always There to Help,